Stik’s pole dancer. Stik is one of the greatest street artists in the world. From 3 dimensional pieces to murals on the side of buildings, his work is without compare. His subjects are stick figures in various situations. Based in London, his work can be found in Hackney and Shoreditch. Some of the work is unauthorized and he has done commissioned pieces before.
One of his greatest works is A Couple Hold Hands in the Street. It depicts a couple holding hands with one of the subjects wearing a niqab. It was painted in 2010, days after there was an attempted attack on a Swedish cartoonist who depicted Muhammad as a dog. It was voted one of the greatest works of art in British History. he is quiet and reserved about his personal history.
You can read more about Stik in this article on Christie’s website – https://www.christies.com/features/Interview-with-street-artist-Stik-8942-3.aspx
To see more of Stik’s amazing work you can see it at his web site – http://stik.org/