An amazing stencil by the artist FUKT in Sydney Australia. I believe this one was done sometime in 2012. I tried to find a website for FUKT so you could see more of their work but I couldn’t find one. If you know their site drop it in the comments […]
Enrico Bonadio, City, University of London Britain’s most famous – and enigmatic – graffiti artist Banksy once proclaimed that “copyright is for losers”. Now, having lost a two-year legal fight over the trademarking of one of his iconic artworks, that claim has come back to haunt him. On September 16, […]
On a small piece of a wall is a powerful piece of street art. Wouldn’t the world be a better place if all the guns shot hearts instead of bullets? War zones would be no more. The army would be deployed to send love to the people.
This is a fun one. A little girl on Easter looking for Easter eggs. Not sure who the kid is or who the artist is but it is a simple one I like. The great thing about street art is it doesn’t have to be a sea captain painted onto […]
From Zabou’s web site: Zabou is a French street artist based in London. She creates large-scale murals mainly focusing on realistic portraits. She travels and paints to make the world a more colourful place, one wall at a time. You can see more of Zabou’s pieces at ZABOU || STREET […]
Taken in the East Village NY by Eden, Janine and Jim. Taken on June 27, 2021. The piece is by Captain Eyeliner. Check out more of their stuff here Captain (@captain_eyeliner) • Instagram photos and videos For more New York street art check out this post Colorful Street Art Piece […]
This large piece on the outside wall of a building is by TEKSTartist. TEKSTartist’s real name is Jason Markow and most of his work feature words and letters in the design. My understanding is that this building is in Carlsbad, California which is just north of San Diego. You can […]
This is a piece by the artist Trust Icon. From their website: TRUST. iCON is a street artist from Thamesmead in the southeast of London. “Street art is the unedited, uncensored voice of the people. But now being commercially viable what was once a whisper is now an angry roar! […]
Piece by Irony. You can see more of their work on their Instagram page